Tuesday, February 25, 2020

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 3 Essay

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 3 Discussion Board - Essay Example For the wholesale customers, it would be most beneficial to use the extranet to help improve the relations. FYC can provide complete access of the extranet to the customers and allow for online account management and allow for updating the requirements online. The customers should also be provided with details of the inventory levels and the company requires implementing a system where if the level of inventory falls below the safety level, automatic orders are placed with FYC (Kennedy & Dysart, 2007). The company should also allow each store to log into the system and share their details of the existing stocks, the trend of sales, exchange documents and make comments. This can be referred to as a ‘Store Extranet’. Numerous companies usually utilise the intranet however they do not make complete utilisation of the intranet and this is mainly due to the reason that it does not work in sync with the objectives of the company (Kennedy & Dysart, 2007). The company can utilise the extranet and intranet for various purposes which include: b) Production Teams: The utilisation of high levels of Information technology will allow the production teams to be easily connected to the suppliers. This will help the company reduce the inventory carrying costs and the intranet will also permit the communication to be much quicker to the other teams like the sales, especially for the sales forecasts. c) Sourcing and Supply Chain Departments: The Extranet will permit higher volumes of data to be communicated regarding the raw materials requirements direct to the suppliers. This will help improving the procurement process. Also the extranet allows for better communication plans to the suppliers and also timely deliveries of all supplies. d) Human Resources Team / Finance Departments: The HR teams for each store need to be linked with Thomas. The intranet will allow for centralised recruitment and training and will act as a measure for the human resources teams. This

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Improving diversity in hospital boards Research Paper

Improving diversity in hospital boards - Research Paper Example As a nation, the U.S is a melting point of multiple ethnic and racial subgroups thus, ensuring workplace diversity is essential in order to meet the various needs and demands of the diverse population. There is a need for workplace diversity as according to statistics the number Hispanic population by 2050 is expected to triple while that of the blacks is expected to double, as the white remains the same yet workplace diversity is an important challenge. The Hispanics constitute 12 percent of the American population and only 2 percent of nurse’s work as healthcare providers, and the same case applies to the black Americans. Diversity in the health care delivery system is important as it improves the access to care among the racial and ethnic small groups; it enhances a greater patient satisfaction and a better patient communication. Moreover, it enhances the cultural competence of the health care personnel that is associated with greater health care outcomes (Rosenbaum & Leona rd, 2013). The effective running of hospitals and other healthcare institutions will largely be determined by an effective cooperation between the hospital management and the board in the governance. Hospital boards play an essential role in ensuring that there is diversity in the workforce as part of their support in hospital setting. A diverse hospital board will ensure that all the needs of the different groups of people are met in an effort of reflecting and responding to the different patient’s needs. In ensuring that there is an improvement in the hospital board’s diversity, it is important for healthcare organizations to act in accordance with the diversity, policies and legislation stipulated to protect individuals from discrimination (van Knippenberg & Schippers, 2007). Thus, the health institutions need to obey the laws to ensure that there is diversity in the hospital workforce to meet the diverse needs of the patient’s population. Being aware of the